Thursday, December 10, 2020


Fun Fridays [True Story]

Me, my sister Kathy, and her husband Bob go out on a Friday every once in  a while. 

Last night we went to Chinese buffet down by Target and had a great time. 

The food was delicious. Then we went shopping at Super Meijer. 

The End.

Trip to the Zoo

Shirley and her family were excited. They were going to the zoo today. 

Lions, tigers, and bears enclosed in their caves were a sight to see. 

Shirley and her family gobbled down a cotton candy as they walked around. Shirley's favorite animals were the monkeys. 

What a fun day at the zoo. Nothing like precious memories. 


Life has its ups and downs. Sometimes we struggle. I hope everyone's life is great, and the journey a blast and a half. 

The End.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Gratitude & Bad Days by Julie R.

 20 Things I'm Grateful For - Julie R.

1. Rhonda the Program Manager

2. AFC Home

3. Food

4. Drinks

5. Roommate

6. Boyfriend

7. Renae the Administrator

8. Friends

9. Animals

10. Clean House

11. Bills Paid

12. Running Water

13. Lights

14. Gas

15. Me

16. Respect

17. Staff

18. Group Workshops (Recovery especially)

19. Lori the Manager of a Home

20. Family

Bad Days - Julie R

When I have a bad day, my program manager talks to me and I feel a little better. I also write in my journal. It helps, too. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Musings of 2019 - Curtis McLeichy

Coldwater, MI *Photography by Alanda McRae*

    I like to talk about the weather and how I know it help's me to walk when it's nice. 

    I bathe in the sunshine and clean clothes more often during sunny weather. Sleeping is easier and I feel better in general. 

    I don't forget to eat, listen to music, enjoy television - I even remember to visit my doctor on time when the weather is positive.  

    Now I get a ride to school and doctor appointments. I save money and time. I now use up very little space and have much more time to understand people and read things for school.  

Friday, December 4, 2020

December Birthdays

 There is an absurdly long list of people born in December. So, because everyone is busy - just wish them the happiness they deserve in our comments.

And for goodness sake, get them an actual birthday card - don't just combine them with the holiday card you send. It's so rude. You wouldn't like it if they combined Easter with your birthday, so try to show some heart. 

This goes for the January birthdays, too. Making myself very clear

Shout out to the following folks who were actually loved enough to be sent in on time! (The Tardiness is entirely my fault!)

 2nd: Noel S. & Kami A. 

3rd: Alan F.

4th: Susie S. 

5th: Izabelle W. & Elizabeth J.

8th: Paul H.

9th: Nicole G. 

11th:  Daniel G.

14th: Deanna T.

18th: Erin K.

19th: Kristy Smith & Heidi J.  

24th: Tanya H. & Izzy J. & Norman H. & Kayla N. & Janet S. 

25th: Chris M. & Courtney B. & Carla K. 

27th: Rick Carver & John H. & Ron H. 

29th: Rexi R. 

30th: Kenny T. & Lyn M. & Jeff M. & "Hot Tony at Karaoke" & Mary E. & Ally O. & Francis R. & Jamie M. 

31st: Byron S.

Happy New Year's Eve - Here's hoping 2021 is a better year! 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Holiday Support & Hacks to Help Navigate the Pandemic Crisis 2020

Holidays Are Currently Deciduous? 

Okay, so they aren't a tree and they don't lose their leaves every year. Still, it certainly isn't the same old thing this time around. 

We aren't all going to Head Family Person's house this year and sitting around eating an overstuffed turkey and getting drunk off eggnog. 

The break from tradition may not be helpful during a time of year where so many fall into depression, but it is what we as a society needs. We need to learn to adapt. 

No one is saying you can't have holiday cheer. I'm teaching my children how to make hand-turkeys for November. We'll be making Christmas trees, stars, elves, ornaments, and candle drawings this year and hanging them up around. We're eagerly awaiting cards to make a tree out of. 

We are hoping to find some holiday-related masks, as well. As for the food, more for us. We'll still be calling and maybe even video-chatting with relatives to make it feel "normal" in some sense, but without all the risk of illness. And - best of all - we can just hang up if an argument occurs. A decided improvement over the previous years of invasive and mouthy guests, if you ask me. 

I hope and wish you all a fabulous and happy holiday season, no matter which one you're celebrating. We are all in this together! May 2021 bring better things to come. 


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Uncertain Times Call For Desperate Comparative Measures!

Uncertainty reigns supreme this season, as always. 

However, this year is obviously extra morose with all these unnecessary deaths

The pandemic stemming from Covid19 has yet to subside and is, once again, rising in numbers. 

The United States prides itself on being a leading nation of the world, yet is too stingy and selfish to follow the simplest of protocols. 

The holidays are right around the corner, but hopefully everyone will have an online get-together rather than risk lives by meeting up in person. 

Wear a mask, if not for your own sake then for the sake of others. There's no need to be selfish! 

If you have an STD, you'd wear a condom. You would use a condom if you're partaking in intercourse without knowledge of your partner's past, as well. 

Yes, this is a comparison of sexual diseases and CoVid19. 

No, it is not a joke or even an extreme comparison. 

If anything, this proves how callous everyone refusing to wear a mask and stay home are actually behaving towards their fellow man, woman, and child. 

Stay safe this season, holidays or not, and try to remember to show compassion to others. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Stereotypes |Prompt Answers| Continued...

 Describe a time when you felt you were unfairly stereotyped because of your age or any other characteristic:

"In my twenties I looked older than now that I'm 41. I like Rap music. People used racial remarks against me. Some people think that because I'm 41 years old, that I'm old. And they think because I smoke that my health is bad. Also, people think I'm fat and too big.  People accuse me of trying to be Black. Now that I'm 41 years old, I look like I'm in my twenties. They also say Asians are hort. And Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan. Also if people go walking at night they might get robbed. By the way, I had and Asian friend. My friend's name was John." -Leon B.

"I was stereotyped on a Thursday when my apartment building caught fire. I tried to call my supervisor early Thursday knowing she would be at work. She was not at work. I tried to get a hold of  another supervisor. She did answer the phone. I asked for emergency leave. She wouldn't grant my request. Stating it had to be granted from my supervisor.  I finally got a hold of my supervisor. She demanded that I come into work on Friday because she was leaving on vacation Saturday. She didn't understand that all my clothes smelled of smoke. The laundry room was on the side of the fire.  My PTSD and Depression was really bad on Friday. I got a newspaper Friday and showed it to my supervisor. She sort of believed me, but told me what I need to have done by the time she got home from vacation.  I got part of the two weeks worth of work done, but I feel she stereotyped me as a lazy person because I didn't get all of it finished.  It was about 6 years ago that she apologized for her actions on that day. My boss said that her actions during that time really bothered her.  I have seen her since, but I talk to her on Facebook now and then more than in person." -Deb G.

"It started when I was 7. I was a self-harmer. The doctor and other people stereotyped that I was doing it for attention, which made me upset. It just made it worse. The cutting went on until I was 21. I cut and cut because people did not understand my illness. It made me sad and upset. People looked at my scars and sometimes would stare. That makes me uncomfortable. Why judge me? It's not fair. Why stare at me? Judge your self. All the doctors look at the past history and not how I am doing now." -Fawnna C.

"I was 8 years old. I went to a foster care home and ran away all the time. So I ran from my problems all my life, never facing them head on. I'm older now and I've come to learn that won't solve anything. My problems are still there and I have been learning to use my coping skills to better my life. Also, I'm tired of running from my problems." -Julie R.

"I cannot think of a time I've been stereotyped, per se. Assumptions have been made by many people, but I don't give those people any of my time. The way I see it, if people can't take the time to know you - then their opinions aren't really worth my emotional investment. It can be annoying when people jump to conclusions, but if you let it get to you - you can't really enjoy your own life and that just doesn't make sense... In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, 'Life is a battle; stand up and fight.'" -Alanda McRae.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Prompts From Jenny (With Her Answers!)

 List 20 Things That Make Me (You) Smile:

  1. Putting on my makeup to start the day
  2. Taking a nap with my cat
  3. holding my cat
  4. listening to music
  5. playing on my computer
  6. play games with staff
  7. riding on the bus
  8. money
  9. my phone - I drop it & it didn't break! Yes!
  10. My nail polishes
  11. my paintings
  12. shopping
  13. my books
  14. my music
  15. my friends
  16. my computer
  17. my cat
  18. sleeping
  19. my skills
  20. and my love for people who love me
What I Do When I Hear Voices:
  1. Listen to music
  2. I keep myself busy
  3. I play games with my staff
  4. I journal
  5. I swing on the park's swings
  6. I play and take a nap w/my cat
  7. I play on my computer
  8. I do crafts
  9. I shop
  10. I clean
Photography By: Alanda McRae
"Purple Irises"

Autumnal Truths (Scott C.)

 "Fall" by: Scott C.

Trees, grass, flowers, shrubs, and other growths fall asleep before winter settles in. The trees lose their leaves and grow dormant. To me, it's a sign of death, Lives, emotions, thoughts, memories and more change - to a certain extent. The weather starts changing colder. The sky is overcast a lot. Sometimes there is snow and rain. 

"Living with Schizophrenia" by: Scott C.

Sleeping habits vary. Sometimes I sleep a lot and sometimes not. Eating habits vary. And sometimes we think food is poisonous ☠ because of the way it looks or smells. Also, we smell things other people don't smell. Little tasks are sometimes hard. Like making our beds. And to take a shower. Cleaning our room might take hours to finally feel up to getting around and doing it. Pain is also a big factor. Voices are annoying and make it so we can't rest. Forgetfulness is also a part.  

Coldwater Park @ Coldwater, Michigan, USA
September 24th, 2010
Photography by: Alanda McRae

Halloween Stories by Sheryl S.

By: Sheryl S.
Tom worked hard all of his life.  He was throwing a birthday party for Lori. He bought her a nice birthday present.  They had the party and Lori opened up her gifts.  She opened up her dad's.  It was a big, black teddy bear.  The teddy bear growled, and the terror began...


By: Sheryl S.

Sally and her mom were sitting on a tree stump.  Before them was a big maze.  They were deep in an eerie forest.  Old people were going in the maze, and coming out were children.  The End... 


By: Sheryl S.  

Five high school kids were playing in the graveyard.  The wind blew, and a dog kept howling during the night.  Jessie, Marie, Tom, Bill and Joe were looking at the gravestones.  They were about to leave, and they read one more. 

On the gravestone read, "Good Girl Jessie, 18."


The End.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Poetry For Fall

The Autumn's Sunlight 
By: Julia Perkins 
 The Autumn's sunlight in which the plants would grow. 
pumpkins in their dirt mounds for carving by October. 
Ready for the rainy sounds. For their first blooms to show. 
The Fall's cool, crisp breeze tickling the trees. 
Changing colors, in a random batch of sunlight. 
Nothing better than candy by starlight. 
Costumes, candies, pumpkin rolls, cinnamon tea, and *so much more.* 

Fall Together 
By: *Serenity Stone* 
Leaves turning red before they go. 
Admitting defeat, they succumb to gravity's flow. 
The wind grabs their stems so they can dance 
towards the wilderness beyond. 
The whistling breeze with a pirouette of reds 
stops when they reach the land of the dead. 
With graves all around, 
the leaves shudder as they touch ground. 
All of a sudden, a ghost lends a hand 
and leads the leaves to gourd kind of friend. 
The reds fall 'round in a near perfect circle 
so as to hug a pumpkin, gutted and empty. 
Jack still manages a smirk, with his void insides, 
for he and the leaves know, as does the breeze. 
They know why the ghost has brought them together here, 
for Autumn is dearer still on the Night of Fear. 
"Halloween has come," the ghost does say, 
"so I hope you enjoy your time of play." 
We fall apart, then we die, 
but until then - we fall together with the sunrise...

Monday, October 12, 2020

To Whom It May Concern: My Readers

First off, I don't appreciate the new format now that Blogger has "updated" this month. It's confusing and reminds me of when we used to make our own backgrounds for Myspace 15 years ago. Second, I apologize for delays and such due to my suddenly busy schedule. I have looked into having a second typist added to BBCreations, but no one seems up for the challenge. Third, I realize I probably should have those reversed in order - but I've already typed it out and I am on a bit of a time-crunch at the moment. So, to recap, apologies for all the chaos and confusion. We will be back to some semblance of sanity in a few days - a week tops. Remember, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Be safe on Halloween - no matter how you're celebrating it. Have a safe day. *Note: We do not acknowledge Columbus Day here at BBCreations.*

Monday, October 5, 2020

Have a Spooktacular Birthday (OCTOBER BABIES)

OCTOBER Birthdays:


Michael R.

Mike A.

Lynn E.

4th: Darcy Stanton

7th: Diana T.


Elizabeth H.

Rhonda G.

9th: Sebastion S.

12th: Mike C.

16th: Donald G. M. (Jr.)

18th: Fawnna C.

19th: Tonja H.

20th: Sheena D.

22nd: Cameron H.


Jenni W.

Za'Mya P.

24th: Avalon B.

25th: Jaime B.

26th: Steve M.


Deborah M.

Teresa M. 

29th: Sherylann W.

31st: Joanna W.


Happy Anniversary to Phillis & Daniel M. <3 <3 <3 xoxo.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Diabetes & Low Blood Sugar |Lorrie West|

|Diabetes by Lorrie West|

Living with diabetes has been hard for me. Taking pills and shots every morning and night. Poking my finger for blood for the meter. Reading my meter every day and writing it down so I don't get sick or have high sugar. Or have low sugar. I sure hope I get better and don't have to take shots. It'll be great when that happens. 


Low blood sugar - you might get low blood sugar {also called hypoglycemia) if you
  • Take certain medicines
  • eat too few carbohydrates
  • skip/delay meals
  • take too much insulin or diabetes pills
  • are more active than usual
Signs and symptoms - Here's what may happen when your blood sugar is low.
  • Shaky / The shakes
  • Sweaty
  • Dizzy
  • Sudden behavior change
  • hungry
  • weak/tired/fatigue
  • headaches
  • nervous/upset
If low blood sugar is not treated it can become severe and cause you to pass out. If low blood sugar is a problem for you, talk to your doctor or diabetes care team. 

It is possible to have hypoglycemia without developing diabetes. 

{Belated} Birthday Blessings |August|

 I sincerely believed this was posted last month. Apologies to all the August birthdays!

Glenna H. (14th) 

Julia P. (1st) 

Sally T. (3rd) 

Robin L. (5th) 

Brenda E (6th)

John W. (6th)
Melanie P. (7th)
Dianne P. (8th)
Tyler H. (14th)
Maria P. (17th)
Ella B.S. (19th)
Lynn K. (22nd)
Staci P. (23rd)
John C. (24th)
Philip T. (24th)
Leisha K. (29th)

Birthday Blessings {September}

Happy [September] Birthdays

Uilliam W. (2nd)
Kara H. (21st)
Travis L. (28th)
Aiden R. (21st) 
Shane H. (21st)
Brian H. (7th)
Inga A. (18th)
Jonique A. (17th)
David Anthony (18th)
Gabriel S. (21st) 
Aaron J. (25th)
Gail W. (29th)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Stories by Sheryl S. | August Edition

Dick & Jane

Dick and Jane were good friends. 
They went to school with each other and played and had lots of fun. 
Dick and Jane played games and were good little kids in school. Dick and Jane loved each other very much. The End... ["Ha ha!" says Dick and Jane's mother.]

The Tree House

Tommy, Robbie, and Tim climbed into the treehouse fast.  This is where they shared their hopes, dreams, and secrets. 
It was a treehouse they built 6 years ago.  As the years flew by they ate there, partied there, and brought their women there. 
Robbie walked away, older now, shook his head and smiled. Then he cried. The days of innocence were gone. 
The End... 

The Maple Tree

The neighborhood kids gathered around the Robertson's old maple tree.  Mrs. Robertson gave all the kids chocolate ice cream cones. You should have seen the look on their faces. 
Ha ha! Funny!
The kids talked of teachers they liked and disliked, and what they would be having for lunch in school tomorrow.  They told ghost stories, and talked about the haunted house down the street. 
It was getting dark, and they all decided to go home. 
Better day than Charlie Brown and his friends had.  They all went to bed with chocolate faces. 
The End... 

Friday, August 21, 2020

More Core Beliefs (Prompt Answers)

 Five Core Beliefs Which Guide My Life Are:

Deb G.
  1. My Religion/Praying
  2. Reading Books
  3. Writing my novel and poems
  4. Visiting with my friends
  5. Following my doctor's treatment plans
Laura A.
  1. Accept people as they are| They are not going to change because you don't like the way they are
  2. There are two things in life: Change and Resistance to Change
  3. Your attitude determines your experience
  4. Never trust anyone who isn't kind and compassionate to animals
  5. There is no mood that cannot be improved by cat pictures
  6. (Bonus) Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage
*Serenity S.
  1. Honesty - Lying is the quickest way to be removed from my life
  2. Loyalty - Lack of loyalty can destroy all emotional ties permanently 
  3. Empathy - No love 😍 means no trust
  4. Baseball - It's exciting, fun, and a great way to pass the time.
  5. Music - The best part of emotions and life is found in music.
I know it sounds crazy, but it is what it is...

Scott C.
  1. To be good will pay off
  2. To be sensitive to others will make a difference
  3. That *SUMMER* will make future seasons change my disabilities
  4. My beliefs in Christianity will lead me to safety
  5. My enemies were tricked & will come back to their senses
*Names were changed as requested.*

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Liberty to Love by Alanda McRae

 It is so important to find self acceptance, to be able to laugh in life. Without these things, how can we expect ourselves to love one another? 

How do you find self acceptance when we live in a world full of judgement? In a universe where every move we make is analyzed to the point of not being able to escape rape culture or evolve into a higher state of understanding? Can you find love when you aren't able to laugh (aloud or internally) about anything? 

I want to hear your story. I want to know what you love about yourself. What is the best thing about your life? What makes you smile every day? 

Thank you for your time and I appreciate your reading this through to completion. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

5 Core Beliefs (Prompt Answers)


  1. Believing in myself
  2. Loving myself
  3. Loving God
  4. Loving Others
  5. Loving my Children

---Lorrie W.

  1. Stay healthy
  2. Have fun
  3. See my mom
  4. Basketball
  5. Looking at pictures of Family & Friends

---Leon B.

  1. Best friend
  2. Staff members
  3. Myself
  4. Animals and Pets
  5. Talking to my doctor

---Julie R.

#IMMORTALGIRL <-:Click Here & Click Here:-> #THEFOG🌫 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Stereotyped Continued... {Prompt Answers}

Describe a time when you felt you were unfairly stereotyped because of your age or any other characteristic:

"When I started coming to Human Behavior Health Services, I had recently been admitted to the Psych Ward of Oaklawn Hospital. I used to chant to myself to keep my every-day going. It wasn't a list of what I needed to do - it was one specific thing. But it helped. I was lashing out at my body in strange ways. Cutting. Not eating. Spacing out. And then the chanting wasn't helping. So I allowed the admittance. Because I just didn't know what to do anymore. So I spent 18 days in the Psych Ward trying to figure out what I already knew, that I was schizophrenic. It runs in the family, so it felt like a waste of time. Then I was suggested for after-care therapy. I am grateful for it, but it seems an inconvenience for both parties." 
-Julia P.

"When I was a freshman in high school, I was an outcast. I thought I was an outcast because I didn't fit in simply. I loved, loved, loved my music. I think people thought I was a rebel based on that and after school I didn't study. I went to the fort me and a few friends made and I smoked my cigarettes. I'd skip school and go to a friend's house. But I wasn't trying to be a rebel, I was just being wild and free - not dangerous or anything at all..."
-Scott C.

"I am unfairly stereotyped because I'm on disability. I am diagnosed Bipolar, PTSD, and I have a seizure disorder. People (my family) assume I don't work because I'm lazy. The family doesn't understand. They don't try to understand. They don't know my details and I haven't corrected them. So, they make up rumors to spread behind my back.. It's hard to describe a specific time because it's been ongoing for years. They won't help me when I need it because they don't believe I try to help myself."
-Melanie P.

Click to read Part 1... 
(I'm not a fan of part one, but I don't think too many folks are. Keep an eye out for part 3 - yes, there are even more answers waiting to be posted. I feel this particular prompt is something many people can relate to because everyone is assumed to be something for some miniscule reason at some point in their lives...)

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Mistake Prompt Answer 2.0


"People often make the mistake that I'm stupid, especially my family. Today's society is go-getter money-oriented. Money doesn't motivate me. That doesn't make me stupid, it just means my priorities are different. I don't define success with dollar signs.  My children and my art are my priorities. When I'm dead, they will be my legacy.  Guaranteed with four children, my legacy will last longer than someone working double shifts to buy an Xbox. I want my art to live on, too. I hope it lives on long after I'm gone. So, I put my energy into my children, mot just buying them things, but teaching them. I put my energy into painting, with each painting my skills improve." -Melanie Peine.

Mistake/Assumptions {Prompt answers}

What is a mistake people often make about you?

"They mistake me for being somebody else." -Lorrie W.
"That I'm nice and a pushover. And you are *not* going to use me." -Babygirl*
"When they think I'm still lying about things, but I'm just trying to better my life." -Julie R.
"That I don't know what they honestly think of me." -Scott C.

"Some say I'm a troublemaker, but I'm not. In high school they told me not to try out for baseball because they thought I wasn't good enough. I'm really forgetful and I am, kind of. I like birthdays and other holidays, but they say I waste my time. I see new movies at the theater or on DVD... I don't ignore the world." -Leon B.

"People assume, because I keep my emotions to myself, that I just don't care about anything. However, I'm really just wary about perceptions, reactions, and general liars." -Alanda M.

"They don't believe that I suffer from a mental illness. They don't believe that I played softball and volleyball for 20 years when I was younger. They don't believe I have written 3 poetry books - and sold them. They also don't believe I'm writing a novel now." - Deb G.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Stories by Sheryl (Jesus/God/Fanfiction)

The Stork

Scotty was a stork who delivered babies. He was a big flying bird. He had a special baby to deliver, and he got him there with no problem. It was Jesus Christ. God smiled and thanked Scotty. The End. 

Fred's Fun

Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble went out to eat one night with Betty and Wilma. They went to Dinosaur Cafe. Fred and Barney got really mad and jealous of the French waiter there. He kept flirting with their wives. They ate their Tyrannosaurus 🦖 Roast Beef sandwiches and Cactus Potato soup, then danced the rest of the night. Later that night in bed, Fred gave Wilma a kiss. *smooch* Barney gave Betty a good night kiss, also. Dino, Fred's doggysaurus, howled Booooooo all night long to scare people, thinking of Halloween to come. "Goodnight and pleasant dreams," said the ghosts of the night. 

What A Day!

Scott and David went sea diving. "Hey, Scott," David yelled. "your toes look funny underwater."
"Hahahahaha!" said Scott. "Did you see your nose?" 
David and Scott scuba dived under the Florida waters for 5 hours. They were looking for shells and prizes. Finding a deep hole, Scott yelled for David to come look. There was something glowing inside the hole. Wide eyed, they grabbed what was in the hole and scrambled to the top. Opening his hand, there was a key that glowed. it was a very important key to the future of Mankind. It was the Red Key scientists were looking for in the 50s. It got rid of every disease there was in mankind. Within hours, the president of the United States had it. True heroes, Scott and David were. The headlines in the newspapers read of the Red Key curing every disease of mankind. The next day, God smiled. The End. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Can You Swim? {{Prompt Answers}}

Can you swim? Who taught you? How old were you when you learned? Tell the story of learning to swim or, if you cannot swim, what it is like not being able to...

"No, I can't swim but am willing to learn by the right person. I don't like swimming in lakes but pools are okay. I'm afraid that fish and stuff will nibble at my feet in the lake. I won't go on a boat because I'm afraid of falling in the water."  -Julie R.

"I learned because of my brother. It was hard to swim; I was used to my brother swimming with me. It's fun to swim by myself and I like it a lot. I was happy that my brother taught me how to swim." - Tanisha.

" Yes, I can swim. I'm not sure who taught me. I don't remember how old I was when I learnt. I think I probably learnt in elementary school.  My friend, Corky, told me about a story when she was a guard at summer camp. It was her day to be the life guard when her friend started to drown. Corky went into the lake to rescue her. She swam out and brought her back to shore. When Corky got home from camp, she told me that story. I asked her *very* seriously if *she* could swim. We still laugh about this today about 40 years later." -Deb G.

"Yes, I can swim. I nearly died when I was 9 years old. It was June 8th, 1992. My sisters and other younger kids were given permission to play inside the swimming pool. I didn't know how to swim at the time. My baby sister, Krista, told my parents I was scuba diving over the drain when for a few minutes the owner was on the phone inside the house and wasn't watching us. 911 was called while both of my parents revived me. I was going in and out. I don't  tell the exact details because it was very scary for me to experience and deal with, but everyone gets warned not to ever leave the kids alone since. I have a fear of water that's so bad I do still have trouble drinking, showering, and touching water - but I went to school in Marshall where they teach their Gym students how to swim and do activities in the pool at the High School. I had to use an aqua belt that was owned by my teacher that does water aerobics. When I was homeless I went swimming with my street family in the BC rivers. I never go alone. I have to be with a buddy or family member that I can trust. There are several people in this team whom doesn't know my story (but we've done things together with my mental health) that I trust. I will and do like lakes and boating. My younger youth from my family, whether my son or nephews, all know I was their body at Family Events they went to as they've grown up. I'm glad to be going swimming soon and, no, I'm not going to be scared. There's a lot of people I know well going along."  -Sarah M.

Monday, June 1, 2020

JUNE & JULY Birthdays!


Anna O. (Have a Creative Birthday!)
Amanda W. (Love You, Little Sister!)
Mary F. (Have a musical birthday!)
Kris T. (Wishing you a fantastic birthday!) 
Heather C. (Have a Knotty-knitting Birthday!)
Ben V. (Super Sexy Birthday to You!)
Marc H. (Born in the wrong month? Happy Birthday!)
Richard P. (Have a super day!)


Sharon S. (Wishing you lots of sparkles on this wonderful day!)
Shannon R. (Hope you have a lovely birthday!)
Nitia G. (Have a magical day, my darling "hetero life-mate!")
Alisha B. (Wishing you lots of smiles on this 32nd Bday!)
Dawn B/G. (Don't do anything your sister wouldn't do! Happy Birthday!)
T.J. N. (Remember that you have a rockin' body - happy birthday!)
Jenny S. (God be with you on this precious day!)
Jon C. (Have a wonderful day and many more!)

The woman is holding a *hatched* egg with a baby dragon inside and showing it to his/her father and sibling. Happy Birthday Baby Dragon!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Highs & Lows *Prompt Answers*

List Your Highs and Lows of this Month and a Good Habit You'd Like to Start:

"My high was walking more. My low was losing *another* love. No good habits come to mind." -Babygirl*

"I've been feeling pretty good this month. One of my lows would be I haven't been eating healthy like usual. So I would like to start eating healthy on a more consistent basis." -Epifanio Ibarra

"My highs this month were getting all of my 'small goals' accomplished, and being amused by my grand-kids. My lows were having my van break down *again*, so I'm back to public transport and begging friends for rides. A good habit I'd like to start is to get more organized with my writing. I'm not comfortable doing a journal right now, but if I can keep up with the writing prompts that I bring to my groups, it will be a step in that direction!" -Lyn McRae.

*Name(s) changed as requested upon the submission.*

Truly Happy *Prompt Answers*

Write about the last moment that made you feel truly happy:

"Walking in the door and my grand-kids were so happy to see me. Just because I'm their Ooma. I was home with them and they could talk to me and read to me and sing to me and play Trains with me and hug me. Their little faces just lit up, because Ooma's home." -Lyn McRae.

"I always feel happy when I'm with my boys. They're happiness and excitement is contagious. They make it seem like the entire world is bright, even when it's dreadful. We watch cartoons together, play with their toys, draw... My oldest is only 6 years old but he's not only an amazing artist but a lover of music, and I'm glad for it. My little one is nearly 4 years old and can dance better than I ever could."
- Lillian Smith.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Happy Birthday for APRIL & MAY


Dawn N. 
Tanisha T.
Scott C.
Sarah M.
Sheryl S.


Alanda M.
Kendra T.
Deb G.
Rowan C.
Carol B.
George W. 
Monica W.
Alexis F. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Reading Suggestions [[Books 📚 To Pass The Time]]

What book are you reading? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why?

"I would recommend Tuesdays with Morrie because it really draws you in. A teacher shares with a past student (who's a reporter) lessons he has learned in life. The teacher has ALS and he shares his views on life with his student. There was a saying in this book, 'In order to learn how to live you must learn how to die.' To be successful you must learn not to be selfish and give of yourself to others."
-Deyon Bell-Wilson

"I just finished reading Wolves and Roses: Fairy Tales of the Magicorum, Book 1 by Christina Bauer. I enjoyed it so much that I actually reviewed it on Amazon! It's an easy read, captures the imagination, and is fun. Based on the premise of Fairy Tale Template Lives, characters in the book actually know that they're living the lives of fairy-tale characters, and what can go wrong if they deviate from the traditional story-line. Fun but thought-provoking. I'll keep the spoilers to myself, but if you get to read this, get comfortable because you just might not put it down until you have finished!"
-Lyn M.

"I haven't been able to read any books lately - my mind just won't focus. But, if you're a teenager, I definitely suggest reading Define "NORMAL" because I have read it every year since I was 12 years old. I make it a point to do so every summer. I relate to both the main character, Antonia Dillon, and the prominent supporting character, Jazz, even though they are total opposites on the surface. The story is deep on multiple issues and has numerous facets to reflect upon."
-Daisy J.*

*Names have been altered by request.*

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Empathy in an Apathetic World [by Alanda.]

I used to believe in love. I have nothing figured out. I've become jaded and dark.

No matter how emotional I get in my life, it all evens out in the end. 

I used to believe that. I was never in a place where my kindness and empathy wouldn't get me where I needed to be. Now, however, I feel like these traits are just roadblocks. It seems everyone I know is only getting by because they've cut themselves off from the moral sides of emotional health. You have to be a hateful, spiteful, and selfish type just to get anyone to take you seriously.

It doesn't matter that I went to college. It doesn't matter that I'm creative and talented. It doesn't matter that I'm nice to everyone - even when I want to scream at the top of my lungs. None of these things matter to anyone because they don't come with job experience.

It isn't like I've never worked - but they want taxable jobs.
I'm great at what I do - even if I hate it.
I'm a hard worker and I never quit.
However, my references aren't exactly easy to get in touch with. I understand that being an issue... but shouldn't there be someone who lets me get a chance to show my work ethic?

I feel like I'm constantly being kicked in the ribs and I'm already on the ground scrounging for a sign of hope as it is.

What has this world become?

Affirmative Poetry [by Lorrie West]

Missing You by Lorrie West

I remember the times we spend
holding on to each other's cries.

Now you move on
to a different place.

Will I see you again?
My friend you will always be.

I miss you so, my friend.

Nature by Lorrie West

The nature that sings
through the windows of eyes -
watching as birds fly.
To the winter days, as the sun
speaks, a Moment of joy.

It's all dead now as the
cold has left us all
lonely now.

Christmas by Lorrie West

Christmas joy -
Christmas is right around the corner.
And I do have
A Gift of Love,
for everyone in the world is to be
Happy and Joyful for one and all...

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Distractions (Prompt Answers)


"Well, if something goes wrong - like a fire or an accident - that is a sure way to distract me from my task at hand." -Lorrie W.

"People talking to me and trying to ask questions when I'm reading a book or watching a movie. I can't multitask - I try to, but I just can't." -Julie R.

"1. The sound of firetrucks going by. 2. Somebody telling us that they see critters in our yard. The critters are 5 deer, 4 rabbits, 4 woodchucks and 3 cats. I can't have pets in the house I'm living in. 3. A baseball game on T.V. 4. Playing cards with my housemates." -Deb G.

"Playing basketball, video games, or football. I do my comics and bring them in to cut out a little violence and swearing. I need to go for a walk twice a day. Then I'm gonna go to sleep for about 3 hours. Make more comics. When I'm on the phone and people talk to me. All of these can be very distracting." -Leon B.

"Having our house lady ordering me to do something now instead of listening to me that I'll do it in a little while." -Scott C.

"Music and books pretty much guarantee me getting distracted. Asian dramas draw me in and you won't get my attention at all. It's not really difficult to split my focus to be honest." -Lana J.*

*Name changes per request*

(If you aren't distracted by Matt Smith with a bunch of different Benders - you are more focused than a Jedi Master on Ritalin...)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Winter Blues by Lorrie W.

As the cold winter has me stuck inside, I'm trying to watch my weight and thinking about joining a gym. But the cold walk changes my mind. My mood has been a little moody with not much to do - a little blue. My mind has been, too. I'm trying to change my eating habit sense I have diabetes and that's been a little hard. Trying to lose a little weight but you know in the winter we all seem to put that weight on. Missing my kids and grandkids even though two of my kids I haven't seen since birth and it's been like 20 years since Chris and me were together. Will it ever come together again? I'm really not sure how to get with the two younger ones and they were adopted or taken from me. Only God knows the answer, I guess... 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Prompt to make you Think...

Three qualities I'd like to strengthen about myself are...

"My creativity, my patience, and my emotional strength. My creativity is good but could be better. My patience and emotional strength are definitely works in progress!
Lyn M.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Accomplishments (Prompt Answers)

Imagine that you are talking to your younger self. What accomplishment would your younger self be most proud to see you've achieved?

"That I am finally writing a book. Working on getting typed and published. I have also written over 100 poems. Turned them into books, self-published them, and sold them. Also, you can lose weight. I have lost about 10 pounds since January. I feel good." 
-Deb G.

"I've been homeless for 6 years since my older son was only 4 months old. We had CPS separate us but I do know that he's in a safe home and they did adopt him since my last contact with them. I promised both of my boys that I would get me new housing again. I've only been homeless since becoming a mom in 2011 and losing my only 2 homes that they knew as their home. I just moved into my new apartment on May 8th, 2019. I'm glad that I was given a chance to rent again and it did not go through a long process. Instead I got approved by meeting with my team of workers and they each helped get my approvals. I did go through housing but I was already here. I plan to rebuild my life and not have to ever be on the streets again. We just celebrated my oldest son's birthday and of course I cried because I don't see him or his baby brother. I celebrated it with BBQ boneless skinless chicken on the grill and scalloped potatoes with confetti cake that's cooked inside a coffee cup inside the microwave. My counselor sees me shortly after these dates that certainly do trigger my mental health. So the entire team knows that I'm alright. They have been with me through these difficult times that I've been able to accomplish in my life. I thank God for mental health centers like mine." 
-Sarah M.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Stress (Prompt Answers)

How impairing is stress in your life?

"I have problems with stress in my life. It makes me want to sleep. I sleep until I wake up not feeling stressful. I have problems with depression and I don't need stress, too." -Deb G.

"I wish I could have no stress, but it is hard to live life with a lot of stress. It's taking a toll on me. I feel like I have no control over it. But I'm learning how to deal with it." -Julie R.

"Stress is very impairing in my life. I have too many responsibilities, too many people trying to dictate my life, with children in the background going "Mom, mom!" I am bipolar. This triggers me; sometimes it triggers mania and a lot of the time I sleep. It also triggers unhealthy coping mechanisms, which I'm not going to mention here." -Mel P.

{Stress is a common occurrence for everyone in the world. This doesn't mean we are affected by it in the same way or to the same degree. Please remember that before you make any judgement...}

Stereotyped As A White Woman (Prompt Answer)

Describe a time when you felt you were unfairly stereotyped because of your age or any other characteristic.

"I felt I was stereotyped  as a young white woman who can clean the house, wore dresses, and had babies. This stereotype of women has not ended yet. Women will always have babies and clean the house and take care of children. It was always the thing that women have done through the years. The older I get the better I get at the job of being stereotyped as a White Mother." - Lorrie W. 

*We would love more examples of stereotypes as B&B doesn't feel this is a good example in this day and age.*
** Thankfully, there will be another blog with this same prompt. It will not be titled "Part 2" or anything due to the answers being different in Nature.**

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Being Patient versus Becoming A Patient

"I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it." - Edith Sitwell

Having patience shouldn't make me feel like I'm slowly losing my mind. I have a short temper but because I'm able to rein it in most people are unaware. My patience has lead to my mental instability in a lot of ways and this country-wide panic is not helping.

I am in no way saying we shouldn't take seriously the threat of the Corona Virus. It is a serious issue, after all. Everyone should care about one's health, but this doesn't mean we don't have responsibility to others.

We have a moral responsibility to think rationally in this time of crisis. Hording necessities is bad enough without it causing the rest of the nation to Panic Shop. There are elderly people going without basic necessities. There are parents trying to buy the right foods for their children only to have to go without because people are stupidly allowing their panic and anxiety to overrule their sense. 

I went to the store to buy groceries, list in hand, only to get none of the items I needed for the week. I wanted exactly 1 box of ramen noodles for my 2 children. I go through that much over the course of a single month but the entire stock was gone. I was going to get cereal - gone. In the end, because everyone else is losing their minds, I bought bananas and saltine crackers. Needless to say, I am going to a different market today in the hopes other businesses exercised rationale in the face of our society's catastrophizing. 

I wish everyone the good sense to exercise self-restraint and ethical conscience in this disaster of human stupidity. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Stress & Challenges (Prompt Answers)


"I'm not very good at managing stress. I try to relieve it as best I can when it happens. One thing I've been meaning to try is to listen to music when I'm stressed. I need to work on that!" -Epifanio I.

"I use sudoku and music to help me when meditation fails me, which is rare. My ability to manage stress is largely dependent upon external factors and how my anxiety responds to them. Thankfully, I've been using yoga and meditation with deep breathing for over 20 years to cope. I heartily recommend it." -Alanda M.


"I think the hardest challenge I had to overcome was with my addiction to alcohol. I was never happy and being sober has made me happy again!" -Epifanio I.

"Managing my stress. I've always been a person who's stressed since as early as 7 years old. Getting people to recognize this issue was difficult which made getting help with it an issue as well. No one takes me seriously about it which just stresses me out more. So even though I have an array of coping techniques - it is still an everyday issue I have to focus on to get over." - Alanda M.

Lost Love (Prompt Answers)

Write about a time you had to let go of something you loved or wanted. 
How did it change you?

"My ex-boyfriend because he would not get clean with me. He didn't stop so he died, but I lived clean now for 3 years." -Babygirl*

"I had to let go of my mother when she passed away. It was a difficult time for me. It took me a long time to get through her passing. It taught me to be strong and more self-reliant." -Epifanio I.

"I let go of a friend Mike and it really hurt. He was my recovery buddy. We'd always go to his house and talk, and play music. The day he died, he broke my heart. I have never loved someone like that again." -Sharon S.

"7 years ago I let go of living in Michigan - a place I love - to go to California. It was a long journey via bus, but it was beautiful and full of interesting people. I was stressed and worried during the trip, but laughing in the end. I lit up when I saw my sister though (even though it was 2:00 A.M. when I arrived). I gave up my singing and writing while I was there (4 months) turning into an even bigger recluse. By the time I got back to Michigan, I was depressed and a complete hermit. I didn't start to enjoy myself again until I went back to college. It turns out I'm less destructive in a semi-social atmosphere doing things I love than when I'm living for everyone else's needs. Go figure!" 
- Alanda M.