Saturday, March 28, 2020

Accomplishments (Prompt Answers)

Imagine that you are talking to your younger self. What accomplishment would your younger self be most proud to see you've achieved?

"That I am finally writing a book. Working on getting typed and published. I have also written over 100 poems. Turned them into books, self-published them, and sold them. Also, you can lose weight. I have lost about 10 pounds since January. I feel good." 
-Deb G.

"I've been homeless for 6 years since my older son was only 4 months old. We had CPS separate us but I do know that he's in a safe home and they did adopt him since my last contact with them. I promised both of my boys that I would get me new housing again. I've only been homeless since becoming a mom in 2011 and losing my only 2 homes that they knew as their home. I just moved into my new apartment on May 8th, 2019. I'm glad that I was given a chance to rent again and it did not go through a long process. Instead I got approved by meeting with my team of workers and they each helped get my approvals. I did go through housing but I was already here. I plan to rebuild my life and not have to ever be on the streets again. We just celebrated my oldest son's birthday and of course I cried because I don't see him or his baby brother. I celebrated it with BBQ boneless skinless chicken on the grill and scalloped potatoes with confetti cake that's cooked inside a coffee cup inside the microwave. My counselor sees me shortly after these dates that certainly do trigger my mental health. So the entire team knows that I'm alright. They have been with me through these difficult times that I've been able to accomplish in my life. I thank God for mental health centers like mine." 
-Sarah M.

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