Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Uncertain Times Call For Desperate Comparative Measures!

Uncertainty reigns supreme this season, as always. 

However, this year is obviously extra morose with all these unnecessary deaths

The pandemic stemming from Covid19 has yet to subside and is, once again, rising in numbers. 

The United States prides itself on being a leading nation of the world, yet is too stingy and selfish to follow the simplest of protocols. 

The holidays are right around the corner, but hopefully everyone will have an online get-together rather than risk lives by meeting up in person. 

Wear a mask, if not for your own sake then for the sake of others. There's no need to be selfish! 

If you have an STD, you'd wear a condom. You would use a condom if you're partaking in intercourse without knowledge of your partner's past, as well. 

Yes, this is a comparison of sexual diseases and CoVid19. 

No, it is not a joke or even an extreme comparison. 

If anything, this proves how callous everyone refusing to wear a mask and stay home are actually behaving towards their fellow man, woman, and child. 

Stay safe this season, holidays or not, and try to remember to show compassion to others. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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