Saturday, November 7, 2020

Stereotypes |Prompt Answers| Continued...

 Describe a time when you felt you were unfairly stereotyped because of your age or any other characteristic:

"In my twenties I looked older than now that I'm 41. I like Rap music. People used racial remarks against me. Some people think that because I'm 41 years old, that I'm old. And they think because I smoke that my health is bad. Also, people think I'm fat and too big.  People accuse me of trying to be Black. Now that I'm 41 years old, I look like I'm in my twenties. They also say Asians are hort. And Bruce Lee & Jackie Chan. Also if people go walking at night they might get robbed. By the way, I had and Asian friend. My friend's name was John." -Leon B.

"I was stereotyped on a Thursday when my apartment building caught fire. I tried to call my supervisor early Thursday knowing she would be at work. She was not at work. I tried to get a hold of  another supervisor. She did answer the phone. I asked for emergency leave. She wouldn't grant my request. Stating it had to be granted from my supervisor.  I finally got a hold of my supervisor. She demanded that I come into work on Friday because she was leaving on vacation Saturday. She didn't understand that all my clothes smelled of smoke. The laundry room was on the side of the fire.  My PTSD and Depression was really bad on Friday. I got a newspaper Friday and showed it to my supervisor. She sort of believed me, but told me what I need to have done by the time she got home from vacation.  I got part of the two weeks worth of work done, but I feel she stereotyped me as a lazy person because I didn't get all of it finished.  It was about 6 years ago that she apologized for her actions on that day. My boss said that her actions during that time really bothered her.  I have seen her since, but I talk to her on Facebook now and then more than in person." -Deb G.

"It started when I was 7. I was a self-harmer. The doctor and other people stereotyped that I was doing it for attention, which made me upset. It just made it worse. The cutting went on until I was 21. I cut and cut because people did not understand my illness. It made me sad and upset. People looked at my scars and sometimes would stare. That makes me uncomfortable. Why judge me? It's not fair. Why stare at me? Judge your self. All the doctors look at the past history and not how I am doing now." -Fawnna C.

"I was 8 years old. I went to a foster care home and ran away all the time. So I ran from my problems all my life, never facing them head on. I'm older now and I've come to learn that won't solve anything. My problems are still there and I have been learning to use my coping skills to better my life. Also, I'm tired of running from my problems." -Julie R.

"I cannot think of a time I've been stereotyped, per se. Assumptions have been made by many people, but I don't give those people any of my time. The way I see it, if people can't take the time to know you - then their opinions aren't really worth my emotional investment. It can be annoying when people jump to conclusions, but if you let it get to you - you can't really enjoy your own life and that just doesn't make sense... In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, 'Life is a battle; stand up and fight.'" -Alanda McRae.

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