Friday, December 31, 2021

A Happy New Year Introspective for 2022

 While it is already a new year in some parts of the world, here we still have a couple hours left of 2021 to get through. Some of us are eagerly anticipating The Ball Dropping at midnight, getting drunk with loved ones, and maybe even a hookup or two. Others are at home with their families and writing Resolutions they may, or most likely won't, keep the oncoming year. Then, however, there are the few making new traditions and just trying to keep a brave face as new challenges arrive on their proverbial doorstep. 

"My only resolution is to not make resolutions." says *J.* on her daughter's Facebook post. Meanwhile, said daughter simply intends to "have a beer and play video games tonight" while reacting to the comments incoming from her friends and family. 

"I ended up giving my mother a manicure and a pedicure. Then, somehow, my youngest roped me into giving him a mani-pedi as well. Finally, I broke down and gave myself a manicure and brushed my hair. Sometimes the best way to bring in the Scary-as-Freight-Trains New Year is to just do self-maintenance and drink some lemonade!" stated Alanda McRae emphatically. 

So while some of us are making Resolutions not to eat fatty food or to exercise more, the rest of us are just trying to have a good time and take care to feel better in the New Year. 

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year as we enter 2022 here at B&B Blog.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

"What I See When I Look in a Mirror" - Jenny Alden

 Who I see is someone scared to love, have sex, and be involved with a bad relationship. 

What I notice is unhappy... with a fake smile. 

I laugh and I also smile and I daydream about being myself with others. 

I am scared. Most of my time, when I am alone, I visualize myself being someplace where I can breathe and let my walls down. 

I believe in my faith. 

And I hope my mom will help me out. I miss her. 

But I believe she is still with me, helping me out when I need her most.


Saturday, December 25, 2021

Self Motivation- By Melanie Peine

 Three things I did yesterday to bring me closer to my dream were checking my Facebook, forcing myself to paint - even though I didn't feel like it, and setting that timer!

Checking my Facebook helps nudge me on track because I am friends with someone that does a drawing every single day. Seeing their posts reminds me it's time to get to work. 

I am trying to make a routine of drawing or painting everyday. Some days I don't feel like it. Yesterday, I forced my butt off the proverbial couch and got to work. 

I set a timer to paint by. Sometimes, if you are really having a hard time getting motivated, a timer is the way to go. 

Friday, December 24, 2021

"Three Things I Value About Myself" - Jenny Alden


I value myself. Just last year  I met this guy. I thought he just wanted to hang out, but I came to find out he just wanted to hook up. I felt so close to my husband; I felt like I couldn't date anyone else. When I realized he wanted more than just my friendship I panicked. Later on I knew I couldn't date him. I feel that I am saving myself for someone who I know will be loyal. I care about who I date now. If you are in the same boat as me, don't sink to their level. It hurts, but I am strong. So strong I have people compliment me on it. I am disappointed that he never respected me enough to wait, going so far as to manipulate me into doing stuff. I am valid and I am strong. I value myself when I respected myself and I value the fact I am hurt, but I know I will be okay. 


I value my skills. I am independent. I am strong. I am kind. I am sweet and thoughtful. I am honest. I am caring.


I value my independence. I take care of myself. I make and keep my appointments, which I keep track of by myself. I am outgoing when it comes to something I believe and have an interest in. And, most times, I have faith. Faith in the fact I am strong and will be okay. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Submissions by Scott C. (part 3)


Small pain is "normal" a lot of times and is brushed away as being just a little thing to be acceptable. When pain starts to be a little bit more than usual, it's thought of more but isn't to the degree of being a worry or loss of hope. It makes itself known. When pain starts to be a lot of the time, if you have hope - it hasn't gotten you to the point of being totally unable to cope and you're in need of a doctor. If pain starts to get excruciating and last for hours on end, you lose hope and you're no longer in control of certain types of your brain centers. 


Jungles have lots of different types of lives and lots are dangerous. It rains a lot. there are lots of trees, plants, flowers, shrubs, ferns, bushes, and more. There are lots of different types of insects like centipedes, wasps, bees, flies, and more. There are monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, and they swing on vines that are abundant on trees and even when they fall from a high distance they don't get hurt often. They eat bananas and other fruits. there are lots of deadly snakes and wild pigs, dogs, lions, tigers, and such. Dangerous to other kinds of lives. People shouldn't venture into jungles. 

States of Big Purpose:

Florida, where old people go to retire. It's a state people like because of the weather, Disney World, Sea World, and the house of presidents are big attractions. 
Rich people have their yachts there. It's known for deep sea fishing, surfing, and tanning. The Florida Keys are well known. 
The Rocky Mountains in Colorado and other states are big attractions to take pictures and go camping, fishing, hunting, and hiking. 
California is big for Hollywood making films, music, and turning out comedians. There are places that have places with perfect temperatures, and Disneyland gets big business. Fishing is big, too. 
Michigan is big for the car industries, especially in Detroit. The Cereal Capital of the World is in Battle Creek thanks to Post, Kellogg's, and so on. Michigan is also known for Dog Food and pharmaceutical drugs. Plus, that old song about Kalamazoo. 

Being Poor:

Men and women sometimes share the same room of an apartment without the landlord knowing. People shop at Dollar Stores and other low price stores and look in ads of the local Shopper. They go to Charitable Union for clothing, household appliances, and other things. They also frequent garage sales and yard sales. If they can get a pick-up truck, they can scan the streets for things have metal and go to the scrap yard. Finding odd jobs, shoveling snow, cutting grass, janitorial work... getting food stamps. Go to churches for free meals. Picking up returnable containers. Asking churches how to make money. Sometimes checking the junkyard for free furniture... It's hard out here. 

***Disclaimer: These are strictly opinions of the writer and not to be confused with Researched subject material. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Submissions by Scott C. (part 2)

 Social Studies:

At a young age in school people should take classes on things dealing with meetings, nursing, talking to the disabled folks, psychiatry, psychology, social studies, treating the mentally ill and physically disabled, visiting nursing homes, doctor assistants, and more because more and more people of all ages are becoming in need of help with nowhere to turn. 

Old Time Favorite T.V. Shows & Films:

  • The Partridge Family
  • Flipper
  • My Three Sons
  • Branded
  • Soul Train
  • Mission Impossible
  • Hawaii Five O
  • Bugs Bunny
  • American Bandstand
  • Wild Wild West
  • I Dream of Jeanie
  • Sea Hunt

Jobs in my Life:

The flower shop in Urbandale when I was 14. I watered plants and picked off dead stems. I also ran the register. But on Mother's Day or Valentine's Day my parents were going out of town and I couldn't work because I was too young to be on my own - and none of my friends had transportation.
At Wendy's restaurant I made hamburgers. I was very good at it. After school I worked until closing, at which time did all sorts of cleaning up and lockup. 

***Pet Animals:

My favorites are cats. They are sensitive and emotional and they alert my mind. they don't like people petting their backs. People should treat them like family, not always hard food but more expensive with meat and gravy and milk and other meats. Dogs should be treated better by having outside more often with teaching them to go to different places and be given much bigger portions of food other than the hard dog foods. Fish need a huge aquarium with only a few decorations and seaweed, algae, and plankton. 

***Disclaimer: This is an opinion and not based in research. Some dogs cannot have human food due to breeding. Same goes for cats. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Submissions by Scott C. (part 1...)

***Life in the Old Days: 

Women would take clothes to the river and wash them. Fish and berries were the main foods. People didn't live in the cold parts of the Earth. People lived outside. Men planted seeds for food. women harvested food. 

Spending Money on a Day:

Going out to eat steak and eggs - and lots of coffee. Fill the car up with gas. Have the oil changed. go to Meijer and buy 4 pairs of new jeans, a winter jacket, and 3 sweaters. Underwear and socks, too. Go to Goodwill and buy $100.00 worth of ornaments and other odds & ends. Buy a new La-Z-Boy recliner chair. 

The Favorite Place I'd Like To Be:

I'd like to live in New York City if I were rich. The night clubs are open all night. Parties all the time. Right on the Atlantic ocean. I think they have good food at restaurants. Lots of people to make friends with. Having coffee at a restaurant in the morning in the cool of the city. It sounds relaxing and almost romantic. 

***Disclaimer: These submissions are opinion editorials and not to be confused with researched information. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

[Prompts] Family (part 2) [End...]

In what way do you not fit in with the family you grew up in? Or, are you a perfect fit?


"My mom used to fight with my dad. My dad would get drunk and hit my mom, so 13 years later she divorced him and married Dave. My dad's name was Jim. I quit school and went into Youth Foster Care, and now I live in an Adult Foster Care and play basketball with my friends. My mom is 72 years old, lives in a foster care, and quit smoking cigarettes for 4 years now. We talk on the phone and visit sometimes. Sadly, my dad & my step-dad died." -Leon B.

"No, I don't get along with my family because they're drunks and other stuff. My family is not a good fit." -Julie R.

"Because I couldn't sit in front of a T.V. for hours on end every night, I didn't fit in." -Scott C.

"It's hard to fit into a family when my dad died when I was 6 [years old]. My mom died when I was 16 [years old]. I had uncles, aunts, and cousins... But I was not close to them. I had no brothers or sisters, either. I have no family members who are close to me. My family now consists of dear friends & I love them to pieces." -Deb G.

"I am a freak because I'm obsessively organized in a chaos-filled environment. I also don't like potatoes - which gets my mother all sorts of judgmental squirrely nuts! I get along with my sister, though, despite everything different between us. My mom calls me her clone because we look alike,, but also because we argue the same. My brother and I only get along while watching anime. My dad and I butt heads constantly, but it was how we communicated. So none of us fit with each other particularly well..." -Alanda M.

 Click Here for Part 1!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Holly Jolly Helpfulness✨🎄💕❄ ☻ ☺🖤

Oh, how these holidays can be jolly is beyond me sometimes. This year, however, I found a way to be calm. If the spirit of this time of year is to be giving of one's self, then why not find a way to use it to your advantage?

For instance, I have collected a lot of plastics in the hopes of recycling ♻ to help the planet be more green. So, this year, when the holidays snuck up seemingly out of nowhere, I got them all together - with some other items - to see if there was anything which could be of use... and inspiration came in the form of my need to stim away my anxieties. 

My whole family suffers through anxiety and other issues which cause the former to materialize. My baby brother tends to tap his fingers on nearly every surface. It drives some of us insane. Still, I know he's just stimming in one of many ways. So, when he asked for some bubble wrap instead (which I didn't have) in an attempt to be "less annoying," it inspired me. 

While he was out, I gathered what I needed:

  • Sewing kit
  • fabric scraps
  • plastic candy wrappers
Then, I sat and thread my needle. Chose a piece of fabric he would like (Cotton/Lycra blend) in a nice color and pattern (blue stars). After sewing it 4/5 of the way, I began crumbling the wrappers and using a pencil (unsharpened) to shove them into the soon-to-be "Stim-Stress Pillow" and, once finished, sewed it shut and then folded it over the edge a little and stitched it to be the size of my fist. 

Whether he uses it in a stress ball fashion (squeezing & releasing) or similar to bubble wrap (crinkling it beside his ear) he has an easier way to stim when anxious. 

The point is, I found a way to help others while simultaneously relaxing during the holidays - with the exception of the occasional finger-prick via needle. Why stress out over gifts when you can meditate instead?

*Note: In my family we pick a random day to give gifts if we think they'll be useful rather than fun. Since I knew he was stressing over how he stims, something one shouldn't have to do, I gave it to him when he came home. He smiled and thought it was really "cool" and began using it within 30 minutes of receival. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Happy Birthday 🎂 And Happy Winter Holidays!

 I apologize for not posting the Birthdays posts for November and December. Life has been hectic and full of drama for everyone.