Friday, December 9, 2022

December Blues

 It's December, that time of year when there's a holiday nearly every week. Families are going to see Santa at the mall. Parents are trying to make a grand gesture through capitalist propaganda for their children's happiness. In addition, the weather is making everyone this side of the Midwest just a bit stir-crazy. 

Cabin fever is a real problem when there's snow up to your waist and you can't even shovel your driveway, let alone get out of the house. It's even worse when you have no family or friends to check in with. 

Please, check in on that elderly neighbor or single millenial next door. Invite them to yours if you're able. Maybe send them a card so they feel less alone this holiday season. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

November is in Full Swing

 It's Native American History Month and Thanksgiving is on its way. Here's hoping we're all respectful of our indigenous brethren - as we should be all year. I'm grateful for my family and friends being in my life, but sometimes I'm just grateful for a moment of silence. What are you grateful for this year? 

Friday, October 21, 2022

"Secrets I Hide" (Poetry)

 Floating and I can't come down.

Smiling to hide my frown.

A control freak losing hold of my tether. 

Waiting for the sun to shine down in stormy weather. 

Losing all my feathers as I fly,

drowning the world as a I cry.

Twisted up in the possibilities

as I lose touch with multiple realities.

Rocking side to side, 

lost in a train of thoughts.

These feelings are bona fide. 

In a web of them, I'm caught. 

Like my body and mind

speaking different languages and can't communicate.

Hoping to soon find

help with this string of Fate. 

Earthquake of emotions bringing me down.

Waterfalls of ideas but I don't make a sound.

As I swipe away these tears I've cried,

I remember these are just the secrets I hide...


Sunday, October 9, 2022

October Birthdays

 10-3: Michael R. , Darcy S.

10-15: Donald M. (Jr.)

10-29: Sheryl W.

10-31: Joanna W.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Carousel of Dismissals {Submitted by *A.B.M.*}

Feeling Dismissed

Today was a long day. I didn't get to sleep until after 3:00 AM - so of course I missed my first 2 alarms. This lead to skipping breakfast and power walking to the bus stop. I finally got to meet my new psychiatrist. (Not to be confused with my therapist!

I can't decide how I felt about him as a whole. I'm trying to reserve judgement as it was our first encounter. However, something he said in the session bothers me. "The diagnosis doesn't matter - what matters is the treatment." 

I know he meant he was treating my symptoms - but it also felt like I was being dismissed because to me the diagnosis matters. Of course it matters when you realize the stigmas attached. The fact is because someone screams Bipolar in earlier years you just want to go along with it instead of checking. "It doesn't matter what you know, it matters what we do." Um...what I do is based on what I know. Thus, it does in fact matter. 

My family has a huge history of ADHD with Depression - which can read as Bipolar if you aren't paying close attention - and I feel this is more accurate. The mood swings I had, which could have pointed towards Bipolar Disorder, have largely dissipated without medications. I don't have swings half as bad as I did when I hit puberty. I haven't had a real swing in over a decade. 

I'm irritable all the time, yes - but I don't black out anymore. I don' physically - or verbally - attack anyone. 

I fidget, my mind races, I am constantly attempting to rewrite my mind to be more positive. Slowing down, however, is not an option. So I have a motor mouth that is almost, but not quite, as quick as my thoughts - why is that bad?

I have such over-the-top anxiety it sometimes acts as a leash. I have a specific place for everything - which gets mistaken as OCD by the "normal" people. I don't spend too much money because I'm terrified of being homeless again. (Although it would be far too easy for me to go broke if I'm in a good mood. Today proved that I am not always of the Self Control I strive for.) 

My anxiety isn't just social, mind you. I also tend to Catastrophize in my head. (Catastrophizing is expecting the worst, and then making it even worse with an impossible scenario - to be overly simplistic about it. Example: *Tony lost her house and kid because I didn't mail her a birthday card.* See? Ridiculous/Impossible/Extreme...) 

I can't learn to drive because I keep subconsciously referring to automobiles as "2 ton death machines" - not exactly a cheery notion. 

I'm tired of feeling dismissed like I don't know who I am. The one thing I've always known for sure is who I am. 

I hope you are all feeling loved and happy.

Thanks for reading. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

September Birthdays

 2nd - Uilliam W.

19th - Amanda W.

21st - Aiden R.

21st - Kara H.

28th - Travis L.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

August Birthdays

 Aug. 1st - Julia P.

Aug. 14th - G Scythe

Aug. 16th - Ella B.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

July Birthdays

2nd - Athena K.

6th - Jon M. / Jennifer S.

7th - Oscar T.

9th- Shannon R.

12th- Sharon S. 

16th - Brenda W.

17th - Thomas (TJ) N. / Jayla P.

19th- Karen H.

21st - Kristen D.

22nd - Alisha H. / Nitia G. 

23rd - Dawn G.

29th - Sharon F.

30th - Erika S. 

When People Think I'm Fine... [submission by A.B.M.]

 November 29th, 2021

I hold a pen above the paper, confounded by the lack of creativity stemming from my mind. Every thought and feeling has become so censored, it is as though I've become numb. Like a limb has lost circulation, and you feel cut off from everything out of nowhere... I watch the sun reflect off the metal clip on my pen, staring absurdly at the light rainbow which appears on the wall and paper. I look around, a stranger amongst odd surroundings. Will I ever get my footing in this world? Is there really a point?


Saturday, June 18, 2022

An Experience of the Mental Health System... {Please share yours in the comments!}

 I come off to people never the way I intend. However, having been called "combative" for using direct quotes seems beyond ridiculous. Yes, I am a defiant and oppositional person - mostly because I think for myself rather than rolling over for everyone else's beliefs. 

Needless to say, this is the kind of thing which triggered one hell of a deep-seated rage. I promise when I get combative in truth rather than your misconceptions and judgements - I'm not hiding behind notes and writing. I get in your face and am quite vocal. 

What is the point of this post, you may wonder. Simple. I shouldn't have to defend my O.D.D., Anxiety, A.D.H.D., and Autism to people who are supposed to be experts in the field of mental health! 

Now that I've ranted a little and gotten that out of my system - the comment section is open for more experiences to be shared. The truth needs to be shared for it to be corrected. 

Wishing you all a better day,


May & June Birthdays!

 May 1st - Adam W.

May 3rd - Alanda M.

May 4th - Carole B.

May 6th - Kendra H.

May 7th - Rowan C.

June 5th - Amanda W.

June 17th - Thomas N.

June 19th - Mary H.

June 25th - Richard P.

Welcoming an end to Spring with a beautiful start to Summer!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

April Birthdays - [Better Late Than Never]

 April Birthdays... 

1st - Jackie F.

4th - Amanda S.

11th - Rhys M...

13th - Savanna W.

16th - Melody D. Sarah T. Mike P.

20th - Maria S.

22nd - James T. Cameron B. Liz R. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Apologies for February & March Birthdays :):

 Apologies for February & March birthdays not getting posted this year. There weren't any submitted to post. We suppose it's been a chaotic time for our readers as much as for our writers.

We wish you all health and happiness during this holiday season.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

"Obesity due to Anxiety..." By: A.L.M.*

[Welcome to February of 2022, everybody. I promise this won't be about Valentine's Day, though. I originally posted this on my Personal Blog but decided to have this posted on here as well since the physical problem stems from some of my mental health issues.] 

I've had many signs that my already fragile health has been in decline since the pandemic started. I have not gone to see my doctor, however, due to the obvious risk of getting CoVid19 in route. As a pedestrian, I walk and take the bus everywhere I go. This usually doesn't bother me, but the more I tried to get things done this way during this issue, the more uncaring imbeciles I would encounter. Knowing how little our society cares about this very real problem is more than enough to have me embracing my inner hermit. 

The worse I got, the more clear everything became. I read an article where a man having heart problems was denied from over 40 hospitals, eventually ending in his death, due to every hospital being filled with Covid19 patients. It doesn't surprise me that our local hospitals are having the same issue. 

So it isn't really surprising that I went into denial every time my chest started hurting or I couldn't breathe. There are a number of people who'll read this and say, "Maybe it's a panic attack?!" I assure you, as I've had anxiety attacks from the age of 8 years old, I know the difference. 

I take my medicine as prescribed, and my vitamins if things get too bad, but today a new revelation occurred. Now, I've been a bit overweight ever since puberty hit me when I was 10. I became obese somewhere in high school. I've been battling this weight issue for over 20 years. Nothing works because part of it was originally due to my mental health. However, these past few years have definitely made things worse. 

On December 4th I discovered my weight is up to 332 pounds. This is the heaviest I have ever been, including my 2 pregnancies. Was I upset? Absolutely. I have no idea if I've lost or gained since then. I do know my clothes still fit, though...

This said, today was a new revelation. I knew I had gained a lot of weight, specifically in my torso, but I had no idea how bad it really was. I took one of my antacids, as I do when my heartburn and indigestion occurs, only to nearly choke on it. It lodged in my throat because I got distracted and tried to take it like I would my vitamins. My mother was kind enough to perform the Heimlich maneuver about 7 times before she gave up and handed me orange juice instead. I'm too big to properly Heimlich. This is a new low and a new nightmare bringing about a bunch of added anxieties I definitely don't need in my life. 

I realize this isn't helpful in any way, but I have been trying to get back into shape. However, when you have 56DD breasts and asthma on top of being over 30 with all the pain and disfunction that number adds to an already messed up body - is it any wonder I'm having difficulty?

Lazy Girl workouts have been added to my daily life, but having a 5 year old jump on my spine does not encourage me to do much. I had a workout buddy before the pandemic, but this solitude has not been helpful in this tiny hotel room. Have a wonderful day!

*Requested Initials rather than full-name disclosure.*

Friday, January 21, 2022

Puppy Love by Melanie Peine.

 This is the second article I've written on my dog. I love my dog. Her name is Kitty. 

Kitty is helping me to center and create structure in my life. I have Bipolar and PTSD. Some days it's hard for me to even get out of bed. 

Kitty doesn't allow that. By 7AM, Kitty is ready for her morning walk! What that translates to is, at 7AM, I am dressed to the shoes - no matter what!

I may be wearing yesterday's clothes, but I'm up and moving! That little bit of a walk wakes my brain up, whether I like it or not!

Kitty adds normalcy to my life. I've had a very stressful, difficult month... and at times, Kitty's walk was the only normal, time-out, thing I was doing.

Kitty is a blanket hog. She likes to burrow in the covers - stealing half the blankets as she nestles down! She's a good cuddler, though. It feels good to have a snuggle buddy.

Kitty teaches time management. When I have to go somewhere, I need to allot time for her walk before I leave. 

This morning on her walk, Kitty walked in dog crap. I have 2 hours to write my article and get the proofreading done. I do not have time to bathe the dog! Better make time! Or else my whole house will have smears of crap all over it when I get home. That was a labor of love!

I'm wondering what it would take to make Kitty a service dog. She certainly is improving my life... 

Say whatever you like, Spell Check, but I declare "cuddler" to be a word!

Thursday, January 6, 2022

January Birthdays... Wishing you lots of love & happiness!

  1. Robert Smith Sr., Dennis Stanton
  2. Phillis M.,
  3. "Raindrops on roses & whiskers on kittens..." [Julie Andrews]
  4. Autumn S.,
  5. Tim M.
  6. Alan W., Jeff Kane
  7. "Hope is a waking dream..." [Aristotle]
  8. "A dream is a wish your heart makes..." [Cinderella]
  9. "Begin anywhere..."[John Cage]
  10. Sage M.,
  11. Ronnie Hammond, Elizabeth K. [best lit teacher ever!]
  12. "The power of imagination makes us infinite." [John Muir]
  13. "Be a voice, not an echo." [Albert Einstein]
  14. Sara W.
  15. "Everything you can imagine is Real." [Pablo Picasso]
  16. Marie T., Jean Sisco (Best Poetry Teacher In The World!)
  18. "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." [Maya Angelou]
  19. "Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone." [Robert Allen]
  20. Heather D.
  21. "If you're not making mistakes, you're not making decisions." [Anonymous]
  22. Brock B.
  23. Beulah McRae
  24. "You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress." [Sophia Bush]
  25. "She remembered who she was and the game was changed." [Lalah Delia]
  26. "There's never enough time to do all the Nothing you want." [Calvin & Hobbes]
  27. "I believe in Reason. I believe in Progress." [Catherine the Great.]
  28. "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." [Maya Angelou]
  29. "I raise up my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard."
    [Malala Yousafzai]
  30. James H.
  31. "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." [Anaïs Nin]

Happy Belated Birthday(s)... a look back on 2021.

 Since October, November, and December birthdays were forgotten or glossed over due to drama and chaos, I'm taking the opportunity now to do a look-back... 


  • Darcy S. (3rd)
  • Donald M. [Jr.] (15th)
  • Fawnna C. (18th)
  • Sheryl W. (29th)
  • Joanna W. (31st)
  • Dianne & Larry P. [Anniversary.] (11th)
  • Azreel R. (13th)
  • Joni & Willie W. [Anniversary] (15th)
  • Willie W. (18th)
  • Epi I. (19th)
  • Winnie W. (27th)
  • Alan F. (3rd)
  • Paul H. (8th)
  • Daniel G. (12th)
  • Patsy S. (15th)
  • Erin K. (18th)
  • Izzy Marie, Norman H., Tanya H. (24th)
  • Carla K., Christopher M., Courtney B. (25th)
  • Rick Carver (27th)
  • Kenny T., Mary Eton, Lyn M., Tony The Karaoke King (30th)
  • Byron S. (31st)