Friday, January 21, 2022

Puppy Love by Melanie Peine.

 This is the second article I've written on my dog. I love my dog. Her name is Kitty. 

Kitty is helping me to center and create structure in my life. I have Bipolar and PTSD. Some days it's hard for me to even get out of bed. 

Kitty doesn't allow that. By 7AM, Kitty is ready for her morning walk! What that translates to is, at 7AM, I am dressed to the shoes - no matter what!

I may be wearing yesterday's clothes, but I'm up and moving! That little bit of a walk wakes my brain up, whether I like it or not!

Kitty adds normalcy to my life. I've had a very stressful, difficult month... and at times, Kitty's walk was the only normal, time-out, thing I was doing.

Kitty is a blanket hog. She likes to burrow in the covers - stealing half the blankets as she nestles down! She's a good cuddler, though. It feels good to have a snuggle buddy.

Kitty teaches time management. When I have to go somewhere, I need to allot time for her walk before I leave. 

This morning on her walk, Kitty walked in dog crap. I have 2 hours to write my article and get the proofreading done. I do not have time to bathe the dog! Better make time! Or else my whole house will have smears of crap all over it when I get home. That was a labor of love!

I'm wondering what it would take to make Kitty a service dog. She certainly is improving my life... 

Say whatever you like, Spell Check, but I declare "cuddler" to be a word!

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