Saturday, March 28, 2020

Accomplishments (Prompt Answers)

Imagine that you are talking to your younger self. What accomplishment would your younger self be most proud to see you've achieved?

"That I am finally writing a book. Working on getting typed and published. I have also written over 100 poems. Turned them into books, self-published them, and sold them. Also, you can lose weight. I have lost about 10 pounds since January. I feel good." 
-Deb G.

"I've been homeless for 6 years since my older son was only 4 months old. We had CPS separate us but I do know that he's in a safe home and they did adopt him since my last contact with them. I promised both of my boys that I would get me new housing again. I've only been homeless since becoming a mom in 2011 and losing my only 2 homes that they knew as their home. I just moved into my new apartment on May 8th, 2019. I'm glad that I was given a chance to rent again and it did not go through a long process. Instead I got approved by meeting with my team of workers and they each helped get my approvals. I did go through housing but I was already here. I plan to rebuild my life and not have to ever be on the streets again. We just celebrated my oldest son's birthday and of course I cried because I don't see him or his baby brother. I celebrated it with BBQ boneless skinless chicken on the grill and scalloped potatoes with confetti cake that's cooked inside a coffee cup inside the microwave. My counselor sees me shortly after these dates that certainly do trigger my mental health. So the entire team knows that I'm alright. They have been with me through these difficult times that I've been able to accomplish in my life. I thank God for mental health centers like mine." 
-Sarah M.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Stress (Prompt Answers)

How impairing is stress in your life?

"I have problems with stress in my life. It makes me want to sleep. I sleep until I wake up not feeling stressful. I have problems with depression and I don't need stress, too." -Deb G.

"I wish I could have no stress, but it is hard to live life with a lot of stress. It's taking a toll on me. I feel like I have no control over it. But I'm learning how to deal with it." -Julie R.

"Stress is very impairing in my life. I have too many responsibilities, too many people trying to dictate my life, with children in the background going "Mom, mom!" I am bipolar. This triggers me; sometimes it triggers mania and a lot of the time I sleep. It also triggers unhealthy coping mechanisms, which I'm not going to mention here." -Mel P.

{Stress is a common occurrence for everyone in the world. This doesn't mean we are affected by it in the same way or to the same degree. Please remember that before you make any judgement...}

Stereotyped As A White Woman (Prompt Answer)

Describe a time when you felt you were unfairly stereotyped because of your age or any other characteristic.

"I felt I was stereotyped  as a young white woman who can clean the house, wore dresses, and had babies. This stereotype of women has not ended yet. Women will always have babies and clean the house and take care of children. It was always the thing that women have done through the years. The older I get the better I get at the job of being stereotyped as a White Mother." - Lorrie W. 

*We would love more examples of stereotypes as B&B doesn't feel this is a good example in this day and age.*
** Thankfully, there will be another blog with this same prompt. It will not be titled "Part 2" or anything due to the answers being different in Nature.**

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Being Patient versus Becoming A Patient

"I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it." - Edith Sitwell

Having patience shouldn't make me feel like I'm slowly losing my mind. I have a short temper but because I'm able to rein it in most people are unaware. My patience has lead to my mental instability in a lot of ways and this country-wide panic is not helping.

I am in no way saying we shouldn't take seriously the threat of the Corona Virus. It is a serious issue, after all. Everyone should care about one's health, but this doesn't mean we don't have responsibility to others.

We have a moral responsibility to think rationally in this time of crisis. Hording necessities is bad enough without it causing the rest of the nation to Panic Shop. There are elderly people going without basic necessities. There are parents trying to buy the right foods for their children only to have to go without because people are stupidly allowing their panic and anxiety to overrule their sense. 

I went to the store to buy groceries, list in hand, only to get none of the items I needed for the week. I wanted exactly 1 box of ramen noodles for my 2 children. I go through that much over the course of a single month but the entire stock was gone. I was going to get cereal - gone. In the end, because everyone else is losing their minds, I bought bananas and saltine crackers. Needless to say, I am going to a different market today in the hopes other businesses exercised rationale in the face of our society's catastrophizing. 

I wish everyone the good sense to exercise self-restraint and ethical conscience in this disaster of human stupidity. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Stress & Challenges (Prompt Answers)


"I'm not very good at managing stress. I try to relieve it as best I can when it happens. One thing I've been meaning to try is to listen to music when I'm stressed. I need to work on that!" -Epifanio I.

"I use sudoku and music to help me when meditation fails me, which is rare. My ability to manage stress is largely dependent upon external factors and how my anxiety responds to them. Thankfully, I've been using yoga and meditation with deep breathing for over 20 years to cope. I heartily recommend it." -Alanda M.


"I think the hardest challenge I had to overcome was with my addiction to alcohol. I was never happy and being sober has made me happy again!" -Epifanio I.

"Managing my stress. I've always been a person who's stressed since as early as 7 years old. Getting people to recognize this issue was difficult which made getting help with it an issue as well. No one takes me seriously about it which just stresses me out more. So even though I have an array of coping techniques - it is still an everyday issue I have to focus on to get over." - Alanda M.

Lost Love (Prompt Answers)

Write about a time you had to let go of something you loved or wanted. 
How did it change you?

"My ex-boyfriend because he would not get clean with me. He didn't stop so he died, but I lived clean now for 3 years." -Babygirl*

"I had to let go of my mother when she passed away. It was a difficult time for me. It took me a long time to get through her passing. It taught me to be strong and more self-reliant." -Epifanio I.

"I let go of a friend Mike and it really hurt. He was my recovery buddy. We'd always go to his house and talk, and play music. The day he died, he broke my heart. I have never loved someone like that again." -Sharon S.

"7 years ago I let go of living in Michigan - a place I love - to go to California. It was a long journey via bus, but it was beautiful and full of interesting people. I was stressed and worried during the trip, but laughing in the end. I lit up when I saw my sister though (even though it was 2:00 A.M. when I arrived). I gave up my singing and writing while I was there (4 months) turning into an even bigger recluse. By the time I got back to Michigan, I was depressed and a complete hermit. I didn't start to enjoy myself again until I went back to college. It turns out I'm less destructive in a semi-social atmosphere doing things I love than when I'm living for everyone else's needs. Go figure!" 
- Alanda M.

Life Prompt Answers: What do you deserve?

What do you believe you deserve in life?

"Honest people that are honest about recovery because my recovery is important and I dislike people that lie about recovery." -Sharon S.

"Peace and to be loved by my family and my boyfriend." -Babygirl*

"I deserve a stable home, a reliable vehicle, and the ability to help others when they need it. I deserve happiness from my creations, love from my family and friends, and a free lifetime subscription to Netflix." -Lyn M.

Learning From Mistakes *Prompt Answers*

What can you learn from your biggest mistakes?

"Never drink again - or use drugs." -Sharon S.

"Never letting someone with nothing bring you down to their life style again." -Babygirl*

"The one big mistake that I've experienced was my alcoholism. Being in recovery made me happy and more the person I want to be! It's a big part of my recovery." -Epifanio I.

"My biggest mistake was believing words over actions. It doesn't matter how often someone tells you they love you if they treat you like a commodity - and that's if they aren't completely dismissing you like you're a piece of dirt. Love should lift you up; it shouldn't drag you down. Love shouldn't be held up as a reward for being the way someone else wants you to be. It should be freely given sincerely for being yourself." -Alanda M.

*Names have been altered as requested*