Saturday, August 22, 2020

Stories by Sheryl S. | August Edition

Dick & Jane

Dick and Jane were good friends. 
They went to school with each other and played and had lots of fun. 
Dick and Jane played games and were good little kids in school. Dick and Jane loved each other very much. The End... ["Ha ha!" says Dick and Jane's mother.]

The Tree House

Tommy, Robbie, and Tim climbed into the treehouse fast.  This is where they shared their hopes, dreams, and secrets. 
It was a treehouse they built 6 years ago.  As the years flew by they ate there, partied there, and brought their women there. 
Robbie walked away, older now, shook his head and smiled. Then he cried. The days of innocence were gone. 
The End... 

The Maple Tree

The neighborhood kids gathered around the Robertson's old maple tree.  Mrs. Robertson gave all the kids chocolate ice cream cones. You should have seen the look on their faces. 
Ha ha! Funny!
The kids talked of teachers they liked and disliked, and what they would be having for lunch in school tomorrow.  They told ghost stories, and talked about the haunted house down the street. 
It was getting dark, and they all decided to go home. 
Better day than Charlie Brown and his friends had.  They all went to bed with chocolate faces. 
The End... 

Friday, August 21, 2020

More Core Beliefs (Prompt Answers)

 Five Core Beliefs Which Guide My Life Are:

Deb G.
  1. My Religion/Praying
  2. Reading Books
  3. Writing my novel and poems
  4. Visiting with my friends
  5. Following my doctor's treatment plans
Laura A.
  1. Accept people as they are| They are not going to change because you don't like the way they are
  2. There are two things in life: Change and Resistance to Change
  3. Your attitude determines your experience
  4. Never trust anyone who isn't kind and compassionate to animals
  5. There is no mood that cannot be improved by cat pictures
  6. (Bonus) Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage
*Serenity S.
  1. Honesty - Lying is the quickest way to be removed from my life
  2. Loyalty - Lack of loyalty can destroy all emotional ties permanently 
  3. Empathy - No love 😍 means no trust
  4. Baseball - It's exciting, fun, and a great way to pass the time.
  5. Music - The best part of emotions and life is found in music.
I know it sounds crazy, but it is what it is...

Scott C.
  1. To be good will pay off
  2. To be sensitive to others will make a difference
  3. That *SUMMER* will make future seasons change my disabilities
  4. My beliefs in Christianity will lead me to safety
  5. My enemies were tricked & will come back to their senses
*Names were changed as requested.*

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Liberty to Love by Alanda McRae

 It is so important to find self acceptance, to be able to laugh in life. Without these things, how can we expect ourselves to love one another? 

How do you find self acceptance when we live in a world full of judgement? In a universe where every move we make is analyzed to the point of not being able to escape rape culture or evolve into a higher state of understanding? Can you find love when you aren't able to laugh (aloud or internally) about anything? 

I want to hear your story. I want to know what you love about yourself. What is the best thing about your life? What makes you smile every day? 

Thank you for your time and I appreciate your reading this through to completion. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

5 Core Beliefs (Prompt Answers)


  1. Believing in myself
  2. Loving myself
  3. Loving God
  4. Loving Others
  5. Loving my Children

---Lorrie W.

  1. Stay healthy
  2. Have fun
  3. See my mom
  4. Basketball
  5. Looking at pictures of Family & Friends

---Leon B.

  1. Best friend
  2. Staff members
  3. Myself
  4. Animals and Pets
  5. Talking to my doctor

---Julie R.

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