Friday, September 1, 2023

Journal Prompt Answers by *L.V.M.*

 Who makes you feel loved and why?

"My sister because she always tries to make my birthday nice. My best friend because she always remembers to text me and keep me included. My baby boy because he always has a smile for me and gives great hugs. My oldest baby because they are so clever and creative and include me on the way their mind works."

Do you remember much of your past? Why do you think that is?

"I remember bits and pieces. The day-to-day parts blur together and I forget a lot of things until someone reminds me. Probably because they're boring and can't hold my attention."

What does it mean to be a good friend? What type of friend are you?

"Honesty and loyalty are necessary for a good friend. I'm always there to motivate, support, listen, and lift up my friends. I say what I think and do my best to help with problems. Lies are too much drama. My circle of friends know they can trust and rely on me. I can be fun and serious (simultaneously or not) depending on what the situation requires."

Friday, August 11, 2023

TURNING SPARKS INTO FIREWORKS: An Inside Look at Alumni Creativity! by Alanda McRae.

Turning Sparks into Fireworks:

An Inside Look at Alumni Creativity!

Everyone has their own form of creative expression. Some people draw, others pain. Then there are those who have the urge to write novels in front of a computer, and proceed to have their creations critiqued by publishers and editors. So, how are you creative?

Danielle H*, whose favorite artist is Da Vinci, learned from her grandfather how to draw and paint. When asked how often she draws, she had this to say, "Everyday, especially when I have nothing else to do." She then stated, "I love to do artwork because not a lot of people do; most just fake it." When questioned about the emotions she has while drawing, she responds by smiling and says, " I do it for real. I always feel different when I draw, but I always connect to my work."

While listening to Simple Plan, Ruth W* talks about her creative hobbies. They're writing, drawing, acting, directing, and creating computer-generated art. Van Gogh, her favorite artist, is still continuing to inspire her artwork. However, it's her writing that she's most interested in. "I feel happy," she explains. "It's like a rush." When asked about how she plans to tie in writing with her future, she arched an eyebrow and stated coyly, "I can be both a doctor and a writer, you know. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did, after all." While chatting, inquiries were made as to how she discovered she was a talented writer. "Well," she says directly, "my English teachers, including Mrs. Brecheisen, were very persistent on the subject of my writing." 

What inspires our creative sparks? I asked former psychology student and UCHS graduate of 1981, Lyn Marguerite, and she explained it as this, "That is the beauty of creativity - everyone's inspiration is different." She then goes on to say, "For instance, two people can look at the same sunset, and one will be inspired to paint a landscape, while the other will be inspired to write a poem about the death of the day. Creativity," she tells us, "is the art of seeing with your inner eye. While our creativity may sometimes seem dried up, it never dies - it just takes a nap."

Whether our creativity helps us to become the next Michelangelo, or just someone who writes on the walls, the human spirit will forever fulfill the need to share our visions. So, in closing, may we all continue to make masterpieces which turn all the sparks into fireworks for everyone to see. 

Fantasy Forest at Leila Arboretum (Battle Creek, Michigan) Photo by: Lyn McRae.

"Magic Clover" by Sage Sparrow.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Tears: Microscopic & Kaleido-scoped Out!

Did you know tears change based on emotion?
Do different types of tears look different under a microscope?
Snopes determined this claim to be a mixture of truth and facts. Tears are much like snowflakes in their uniqueness. 
Dr. Paul D. Trapeni, Jr. is referenced as well as Madison Dapcevich & Rose-Lynn Fisher.

Jack Sommer wrote my favorite article on this phenomenon, however. joseph Stromberg wrote 

*I have no idea why blogger is capitalizing every word out of nowhere and i profusely apologize
since i can't figure out how to fix it.

**Since there are so many links with photos already available, i won't actually post any of these
fantastic photographs. 

***i'm wishing all my lovely readers a beautiful and happy weekend!***

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


    Teens, they all have different emotions. Some of them feel invisible in a crowd. Others feel like they're the center of attention. There are those who feel stranded and alone. And then there are the people who think they're being judged 24/7. The question is, how emotional are teens in high school? 

    When asked if she liked school, D.H. - after laughing for a little bit - says, "No!" N.H. said this, "I like it for football games and pep rallies, but other than that, it sucks." However, R.V.H. said, "I like the learning part, not the social." "It makes a good naptime," is how A.H.B. responded. So it would appear everyone has a difference of opinion on this point. 

    R.V.H. tries to hang out with all kinds of people but, out of all his friends, he only trusts one. D.H. says she trusts two of her friends, and she claims to hang out with "freaks." N.H. only trusts one of hers, and she describes her friends as the "whatever" type. A.H.B. says she hangs out with "a mix of people, including: preps, punks, rebels, Goths, and stoners." Out of all these people, she only trusts three of her friends. 

    It is very well known the pressure people feel in school, so it was only natural that the subject of judgement came up. T.A.N. denies judging others, and thinks that those around her would respond with, "Like, 'oh rock on dude,' not everybody judges people!" R.A.P.W. also said that she didn't judge others and that they'd be, "hopefully happy" about the whole thing. "Sorta, kinda, iffy..." is what A.H.B. said, but she also inserted, "They don't know, because I don't tell them!" A.C.W. responded, "Good about themselves, they don't have to work to impress," because she doesn't judge others. 

    Some people feel uncomfortable in their own skin, so it was a surprise when only one person said they felt that way. "Yup, I don't like the way I look. Because standards to look a certain way in society are high, and I like that look." R.V.H. quietly whispered. T.A.N. said, however, "No, it's all tight up in here. Because if you don't feel comfortable alone, you ain't ever gonna feel comfortable around other people. You just gonna sit alone in your room, doing the 'oh-pity-me' thing." A.H.B. confidently responded, "No, because I'm me and I'm proud of who I am." A.C.W. also feels relaxed about herself and says this, "I just don't care what people think about me." 

    When walking down the hallways without someone to talk to, A.C.W. says, "I don't really have anything on my mind." N.H., however, says she feels "unloved" and then laughs. "I feel like I got to watch my back," states T.A.N., "because if you ain't got no one to watch your back you ain't got no one to protect you." R.V.H. said they feel, "embarrassed, shy, about two miles wide," like they're being judged all the time. R.A.P.W., on the other hand said, "I'm too busy trying to shove my way through!"

    In conclusion, it is obvious emotions play a big role in teen life. However, whether they're feeling self-conscious, or on top of the world, they still have to get through high school.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Media Suggestions- in a pinch!

 Books: Anything written by Mercedes Lackey

Music: P!nk, Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Steve Miller Band

Art: Van Gogh

TV: Nancy Drew (CW)

*TW!* Sensitive Content ((Poetry))

 #FREE K3$HA: BY VailByNature*

If he wasn't in power,
if the judge didn't wanna be out in the how,
maybe if they knew what we'd been through
they wouldn't do this to you. 

Maybe if he gave a damn
about more than what's in his pants
he wouldn't put you through hell.
Time will never tell.

If he was a woman
instead of a so-called man,
he'd be in jail - it's a fact.
But that "Y" forces you to keep to your contract.

Sad to say this is the normal;
no one stands up against evil.
If your genitalia's external
it's just too easy to destroy the soul.

Women everywhere, we need to take a stand;
we need to stick to our demands.
Destroy this misogynistic bullshit society -
It's passed time to set the Victims FREE...


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day...

Valentine Pals, Gals, & DILLIGAFs:

By: Alanda McRae

Remember Readers to check in with your loved ones this month. I, myself, spend Valentine's out with my girls watching whatever horror/suspense film is in theaters. We eat pizza or tacos (there's a coin toss involved, usually) and we do not drink alcohol. Why risk a drunk dial to an ex who is definitely an ex for a reason? 

Love is great when you're in a relationship - but not everyone has that and why should any of us be made to feel bad for that? There is nothing wrong with trying to find a partner (or partners) worthy of us. Just remember to be the best version of yourself you can manage and everything will fall into place. 

Also, for any Ace/Aro people reading this, do not let society try to gaslight you with this holiday into feeling anything less than valid. I personally believe the best parts of relationships have nothing to do with the bedroom activities - cuddles and dragons with a side of support and affirmations are really all that matter. Although, sometimes "I love you" can be overrated if not completely unwarranted. I sincerely hope everyone finds what they're searching for in life - though not necessarily on society's unsolicited timeline. 

* Happy New Year, Happy New Lunar Year, and also - Happy Valentine's Day!*