Tuesday, August 1, 2023


    Teens, they all have different emotions. Some of them feel invisible in a crowd. Others feel like they're the center of attention. There are those who feel stranded and alone. And then there are the people who think they're being judged 24/7. The question is, how emotional are teens in high school? 

    When asked if she liked school, D.H. - after laughing for a little bit - says, "No!" N.H. said this, "I like it for football games and pep rallies, but other than that, it sucks." However, R.V.H. said, "I like the learning part, not the social." "It makes a good naptime," is how A.H.B. responded. So it would appear everyone has a difference of opinion on this point. 

    R.V.H. tries to hang out with all kinds of people but, out of all his friends, he only trusts one. D.H. says she trusts two of her friends, and she claims to hang out with "freaks." N.H. only trusts one of hers, and she describes her friends as the "whatever" type. A.H.B. says she hangs out with "a mix of people, including: preps, punks, rebels, Goths, and stoners." Out of all these people, she only trusts three of her friends. 

    It is very well known the pressure people feel in school, so it was only natural that the subject of judgement came up. T.A.N. denies judging others, and thinks that those around her would respond with, "Like, 'oh rock on dude,' not everybody judges people!" R.A.P.W. also said that she didn't judge others and that they'd be, "hopefully happy" about the whole thing. "Sorta, kinda, iffy..." is what A.H.B. said, but she also inserted, "They don't know, because I don't tell them!" A.C.W. responded, "Good about themselves, they don't have to work to impress," because she doesn't judge others. 

    Some people feel uncomfortable in their own skin, so it was a surprise when only one person said they felt that way. "Yup, I don't like the way I look. Because standards to look a certain way in society are high, and I like that look." R.V.H. quietly whispered. T.A.N. said, however, "No, it's all tight up in here. Because if you don't feel comfortable alone, you ain't ever gonna feel comfortable around other people. You just gonna sit alone in your room, doing the 'oh-pity-me' thing." A.H.B. confidently responded, "No, because I'm me and I'm proud of who I am." A.C.W. also feels relaxed about herself and says this, "I just don't care what people think about me." 

    When walking down the hallways without someone to talk to, A.C.W. says, "I don't really have anything on my mind." N.H., however, says she feels "unloved" and then laughs. "I feel like I got to watch my back," states T.A.N., "because if you ain't got no one to watch your back you ain't got no one to protect you." R.V.H. said they feel, "embarrassed, shy, about two miles wide," like they're being judged all the time. R.A.P.W., on the other hand said, "I'm too busy trying to shove my way through!"

    In conclusion, it is obvious emotions play a big role in teen life. However, whether they're feeling self-conscious, or on top of the world, they still have to get through high school.

  • Written in 2006
  • By: Alanda McRae.
*Initials used to protect identities because who knows how they'd feel about this 17 years later!*

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