Friday, September 1, 2023

Journal Prompt Answers by *L.V.M.*

 Who makes you feel loved and why?

"My sister because she always tries to make my birthday nice. My best friend because she always remembers to text me and keep me included. My baby boy because he always has a smile for me and gives great hugs. My oldest baby because they are so clever and creative and include me on the way their mind works."

Do you remember much of your past? Why do you think that is?

"I remember bits and pieces. The day-to-day parts blur together and I forget a lot of things until someone reminds me. Probably because they're boring and can't hold my attention."

What does it mean to be a good friend? What type of friend are you?

"Honesty and loyalty are necessary for a good friend. I'm always there to motivate, support, listen, and lift up my friends. I say what I think and do my best to help with problems. Lies are too much drama. My circle of friends know they can trust and rely on me. I can be fun and serious (simultaneously or not) depending on what the situation requires."