Saturday, June 18, 2022

An Experience of the Mental Health System... {Please share yours in the comments!}

 I come off to people never the way I intend. However, having been called "combative" for using direct quotes seems beyond ridiculous. Yes, I am a defiant and oppositional person - mostly because I think for myself rather than rolling over for everyone else's beliefs. 

Needless to say, this is the kind of thing which triggered one hell of a deep-seated rage. I promise when I get combative in truth rather than your misconceptions and judgements - I'm not hiding behind notes and writing. I get in your face and am quite vocal. 

What is the point of this post, you may wonder. Simple. I shouldn't have to defend my O.D.D., Anxiety, A.D.H.D., and Autism to people who are supposed to be experts in the field of mental health! 

Now that I've ranted a little and gotten that out of my system - the comment section is open for more experiences to be shared. The truth needs to be shared for it to be corrected. 

Wishing you all a better day,


May & June Birthdays!

 May 1st - Adam W.

May 3rd - Alanda M.

May 4th - Carole B.

May 6th - Kendra H.

May 7th - Rowan C.

June 5th - Amanda W.

June 17th - Thomas N.

June 19th - Mary H.

June 25th - Richard P.

Welcoming an end to Spring with a beautiful start to Summer!