Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Introduction to Notions

Hello there and welcome to Brainstorms & Breakthroughs.

Basically, the idea behind this blog is to replace a newsletter which is currently undergoing changes and will no longer have as many creative writings on its pages. In an attempt to make our readers and members less upset by this change, I have opted to make an entirely new blog where I will type up anything they submit - without censorship or any connection to the formerly mentioned (yet un-named) newsletter. Thus not implicating said sponsors of said newsletter and, therefore, not upsetting the aforementioned folks. 

Submissions are, however, being handed in face-to-face and not via email due to a number of reasons. Maybe I'll take them via email, but it's unlikely as I don't like to give out that information due to how many things get lost among the chaos. 

I hope everyone has a lovely day and I will try to update this once a week, if not more often. 

Cheers to good health and long friendships.